Kristján Ingi Daðason

Project Manager

Kristjan Ingi Daðason has two years education from navigation school 1966 and management school in Iceland 1992.

He has a long experience in areas concerning maintenance of ships and other constructions. From 1991 he was self-employed, worked on a project where catching and processing mussels was the main task, did also work on different maintenance tasks until 2007.

Late year 2007 and until 2015, he was managing a developing project where farming and processing mussels both in Iceland and Norway was his main task.

Earlier self-employed working on building projects on Long Island USA for 10 years, also worked as officer on a fishing vessel and deckhand on a merchant vessel.

Through the years Kristjan has carried out many bigger and smaller projects and running  business with staff up to 12 employees.

Ásgeir Ásgeirsson

Went to sea in 1960 at the age of 14.

Working on trawlers, fishing boats, and cargo ships from 1960-1965.

Finished navigation school in 1967 and sailing as an officer on cargo ships between each school year from 1966-1968.

From 1968-2000 was involved in many businesses.

Multiple types of stores and wholesale.

From 2000-2014 sailing most of the time on Norwegian cargo ships and tankers as a chief officer and captain.

After 2014 working in preparation for Northern Light Seafood and other projects.

Stefán Guðsteinsson

Naval Architect

Stefan Gudsteinsson is educated naval architect from Elsinore collage in Denmark.

Have a wide experience in most areas concerning ships construction, worked as electrical department engineer at the Icelandic directorate of shipping.

Later as a self-employed naval architect working in many different projects, like development of instruments concerning safety at sea aspects, like stability and strength calculations.

Main tasks through the years have been stability and strength calculations of bigger and smaller vessels, sound and vibrations as well as working on solutions concerning sound and vibrations.

Participating in construction projects of different fishing boats from GRP to steel trawlers and as a designer of 95 m special costal container vessel and as project manager in other ship projects.

Worked as special expert in evaluating issues regarding sea trials.

Magnús Sveinsson

1981 – 1992 worked in fish processing industry in Iceland.
1992 – 2002 car mechanic in Iceland.
2002 – 2013 project management at Parliament of Iceland.
2013 moved to Norway.
2013 – 2016 car mechanic.
2016 – 2021 System Engineer Customer Support and Improvement Engineer,
Tine / Swisslog.
2021 – 2022 Solution Designer for BU Autostore – Swisslog / Warehouse &
Distribution Solutions Nordic. 
2022 – Senior CAD Engineer AutoStore – Swisslog
Warehouse & Distribution Solutions – Nordic